About Life Coaching
If I asked you to design a “blueprint” of your life what would it look like?
Are you wondering, “where do I even start?” That’s a huge question! All I know is that God does have a plan for your life and it’s a good plan. That plan may not always look like the “blueprint” we thought it would.

As a life coach I don’t have the answers, but He does. I will encourage you to go to the One who does! Does it happen overnight? I think we all know the answer to that. But, it’s in the process . . . it’s in the transition . . . where transformation can happen. Are you ready to experience change? Friend, it’s a choice—and the choice is yours. The process of change is a different blueprint for each of us . . . It may require healing from the inside in order to move forward. It’s going to require making intentional exchanges within the soul.
Just know you are not alone on this journey. With God all things are possible. Feel free to email me or leave me a message. God bless you.

About Sue Jordan,
Certified Christian Life Coach

Sue Jordan is a Certified Christian Life Coach with 45 years of experience in the health-care field as a Registered Nurse and Founder and Director of liveitwell™. Sue is well known for her passion in the transformation of the spirit, soul and body. Sue is a licensed minister, and along with her husband Paul, serve as Connection Pastors at Church on the North Coast in Avon Lake, Ohio. She is a well known circuit speaker in corporations, civic and faith-based communities. Sue is blessed to be married to her husband Paul and together they have three amazing adult children and four awesome grandchildren.